Sunday, April 6, 2008

Highlights from General Conference

I really enjoyed this weekend of conference, and I can't wait until I can read what was said, but these are a few talks that touched me:

Elder Russel M. Ballard gave a wonderful talk on Mothers especially young mothers, it gave me strength and encouragement, to live in the moment. He told of a cute story when he realized how exhausting it was for his wife to sit with 6 children in church. He also talked about how recently he learned that motherhood comes with a lot of twisting, bending, and lifting after he took on a lot of his wife's responsibilities while she was recovering from back surgery. I loved he talked to the children how he told them to listen as he told them how they could help their mothers by picking up their toys, making their beds, and saying thank you. The time our children are with us is only 1/4 of our adult lives, and the most important time of all in a child's life represents less than 1/10 of our lives. Don't over schedule, Find time for yourself making time for things you can do to replenish yourself, avoid any kind of substance abuse, don't waste time on TV, Internet surfing, and soap operas(there are many shows that would fall in this category).

I loved to listen to D. Todd Christofferson who just got called into the Quorum of the twelve apostles, his humility was so touching as he talked about his calling. He truly has given his life to the service of our lord and savior. He talked about being born again is not an event, it is a process and engaging in this process is the CENTRAL purpose in mortality. On this path of spiritual rebirth he promised that temptations will lose their appeal, through christ we can become Holy. His commitment to his service in the church was touching, and I believe that when we can lose our self in the service of this gospel like he committed himself into doing, will bring true happiness.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf was a delight to listen to, he talked about magnifying our callings. He said, " We do not seek nor do we decline callings that come from god." I have always loved my callings in the church; Sunbeam teacher, Laurel leader, Relief Society song leader, Primary song leader(LOVED), Enrichment leader, YW/YM music director, nursery leader(especially because Payton was in there), but the calling I received in this new ward kind of threw me off, I was called(with John) to be the Webelos Den leader! When the bishop asked John and I, I seriously was kind of upset. I accepted, hopeing I would be released as soon as the Bishop realized he had made a mistake, which hey, "We all make mistakes." Oh how wrong I was. The Bishop is not running our ward, the lord is, I know this to be true now. I have learned so much about the scouting program, and I honestly did not think I would find myself falling in love with the cute 10 year old boys like I have. This boys are so amazing, and I am so amazed at their kindness, and true christlike attributes. I have a testimony that if we serve in the church, and magnify our callings we will be greatly blessed, and we will become more like christ.

David A. Bednar talked about improving our prayers. I loved his example about praying and asking Heavenly Father to lead the missionaries to individuals and families who are prepared to receive the gospel. It is our responsibility to find people for the missionaries to teach. Missionaries are full time teachers, you and I are full time finders. We should not be praying for the missionaries to do our work. I remember shortly after my sister Lauralee returned off her mission, she was always still sharing the gospel with others. I remember one time I asked her how she happened to come across so many people who were looking for some truth, and she told me that when she prayed, she asked Heavenly Father to guide her to those who were seeking for truth. Elder Bednar told us to pray for courage and boldness to share The gospel, thanks Laur for being such a great example to me.

The tabernacle choir sang my very favorite song from the Primary songbook, "He sent His Son" I just love this song; "How could the Father tell the world of love and tenderness? He sent his Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness. How could the Father show the world the pathway we should go? He sent his son to walk with men on earth that we may know. How could the Father tell the world of sacrifice, of death? He sent his Son to die for us and rise with living breath. What does the Father ask of us? What do the scriptures say? Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way, What does he ask? LIVE LIKE HIS SON."


Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the synopsis!!! You are so right, conference was great and we need to "pray" to apply it to our lives. Pres. Monson was a scouter, it is a great program, especially run by leaders like you who realize its importance, good job.

Laurie said...

This was such a great post. I wish I had taken notes, but now I'll have to wait for the talks to either be available online or the May Ensign. There were so many things that were touching and teaching about this conference. I need reassurance about my calling right now. It's challenging!