Kaitlynn and I running in, oh the pain she endured. Her mom Kim and sister
Makenna ran in the last block with us. Maryann's in the picture also, she ran too, she pushed herself a little too hard, and was sick the rest of the day(she's way too competitive).
Looks like you guys have been busy doing lot's of fun things. Your family is so fun. I love the meachams.
It sound like you guys had a great 24th. Are you going to run the Marathon? I think my brothers going to run it, so if he does I think we'll go down for the weekend. Hopefully we can catch up then.
Amazing who you find on the internet. Becca Sharp just moved into the neighborhood and I found her blogspot and saw you name WOW your kids have grown up and you have new addition. I was scrolling your account and saw what you accomplished in March WOW how did you do it? Sounds like everything is still going well for you I am so glad to hear you are still doing hair. If you can believe it Candace will graduate from hair school in September and Tyler will be a senior this year at the high school. It is so good to see you and your family. I know exactly how you feel about getting old I have suffered several injuries this past year ruptured disc in my back so listen to you back pain and a fractured femur. I guess running 3 marathons is going to be my limit. I am just starting to run again and it feels so good I am having to take it very slow and I can't wait to build up my mileage again. I hope you don't mind I added you to my blog friends. Hope to hear from you soon and yes you should run the St. George Marathon at least once its a rush, but listen to your body and don't over due it.
Sounds like a fun day, we went out on Cjhris's boat with Greg and Jordan and Jemma, I need to get the nerve to ski on that dirty utah lake so I can show Greg just where he gets his talent!!!!!!
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