Saturday, August 2, 2008

Did Everyone get their copy of 'Breaking Dawn'?

This is Kaitylnn, she was SOOO excited to get her copy of 'Breaking Dawn'. We drove down first to Barnes and Noble at 10:30 PM, and wanted to see what the party was like. Both of us had gotten up at 6:00 to go on a bike ride, so we weren't real enthusiastic about joining all the partying, but there were plenty of people that were dressed up, and many had shirts that said, 'Team Edward", "Team Jacob" ect. We decided to go over to Walmart and get the book cheaper. The line was sooooo long, but it went pretty smoothly.
The check out lines were so long, there were a couple of people that came in just to get a few things they needed, they weren't real happy.
I was trying to be sad because I didn't get a copy. I actually ordered a copy off of, cause I got free shipping, and I also ordered "The Host" which I have not read yet, but I have to say, after seeing everyone walk out with two or three copies, I kind of felt left out not walking out of the store with a copy. We finally got checked out and left Walmart at about 1:00 AM. I have not done that forever!!! I was so grateful that John and the kids let me sleep in until 10:00!!!!! I bought a Diet DrPepper when we headed out that night, because I was already so tired, but I don't think the caffeine kicked in until I was trying to go to sleep. It was about 2:30 before I fell asleep.
Well, this week we had a couple that was doing the program at the spa who stayed in our basement. They wanted to bring their baby, so we watched him while they were at the spa. He is one month younger than Brigham, bigger than Brigham, and you can tell from this picture has lots more teeth than Brigham. He was a good baby, and slept a lot. Kaitylnn took care of him, I am so glad I had help, I'm not sure how mothers of twins do it!!!
Lydia loves being the mom, she played great with Jackson.
Brigham didn't really like this new baby that was taking up his space.


claytonandmaryannyates said...

i wish i was into the twilight series, someday. i just wish i was into books maybe if i actually tried to read i might enjoy it.

Annalyn said...

Hey - so how did the read go? I had a marathon reading weekend - so you'll have to let me know!!

Quiggle said...

So are you finished with the book yet? I finished a couple of days ago. What team are you on? I am team Jacob, however team Edward is nothing to complain about.