Monday, March 24, 2008

52 blessings #1

Ok, Laurie and some others started this in January; each week, they show a picture of something they are grateful for, and at the end of the year they will have 52 blessings. I thought about doing it, and of course like everything else I think about doing, I didn't do it. Well, I want to, and when I saw this picture on Laurie's blog, I decided I was going to start, and how fitting that I start with my savior, I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice, he IS my Redeemer. (I'm going to have to do a couple a week, because it has been 12 weeks.)


Laurie said...

I'm so glad you're doing this! It gave me goosebumps to read your post about the saviour.

And I'm glad to see you're using labels!

Heidi said...

I love this post by laurie. Its a good one to copy:) I started doing this every sunday, i don't konw what happen, but i ahve slacked. maybe i better get back on this... thanks for the inspiration. I definitely hope you win this competition. you deserve it. You are amazing!!!